Mistakes to Avoid

The biggest mistakes you can do after you purchase this course...

1) Skipping parts of the course you THINK won't be helpful to you. Many times you'll find unexpected gems!

2) Not taking notes and organizing them so you can find, remember, and implement the most helpful parts.

3) Not staying up to date with the author and the material. The internet, and the best way of doing things is constantly changing, and sometimes we need to change with it, to continue being successful and staying relevant. No one wants to be Kodak, right? A company that was once popular but never kept up with the trends and because of it, eventually became a dinosaur.

4) Collecting courses like they are trophy's that just collect dust. Use the course. Go through it. Don't shelve it!

5) Not reaching out if you don't understand something. You may need a different perspective than your own sometimes, to see things that may be obvious to others.

6) Not being teachable. If you've taken the time and money to purchase a course and go through the material, have an open mind in trying things that I suggest, even if it's out of your comfort zone. I'm not suggesting doing something that you're not comfortable with ethically of course, just things that may push you a bit. They may end up taking you farther than you ever imagined.

7) Thinking you have to do Every. Single. Thing. exactly as it is suggested. You are unique, and everyone's way of running their business will be too. Your uniqueness can set you apart, and help you grow in your own way and your own style. Take the concepts presented and make them all your own!

8) Sitting and waiting till you have "time" to go through the course. Listen, you're busy, I get it. You'll never REALLY have time, will you?! Go through it now because every second you wait to learn and implement this vital information, is another second you lose income!!!

9) Not prioritizing. As you're studying, prioritize a list of the actions you want to take in order to learn to compost successfully.

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